New York Scottish Rite - The Fraternity of Choice

Elected to Receive 33° in 2025

Aug 28, 2024

Home » News » Elected to Receive 33° in 2025

At the Supreme Council Executive Session recently held in Lexington, MA, the following Brethren were selected to receive the 33° in 2025 in Indianapolis, IN:

John B. Haslam (Buffalo)
Brian J. Dannecker (New York City)
Richard P. Freeman (Syracuse)
Herbert P. Hahn (Buffalo)
Louis M. Irizarry (The Hudson)
Chanok Kunjara Na Ayudhya (New York City)
Avery D. Wheelock (Syracuse)
A. Daniel Wooten (Rochester)
Steven Adam Rubin (New York City)
Gerald R. Dievendorf (Albany)
John S. Lemke (Rochester)
Michael V. Smith (Utica)
James S. Spaulding (Schenectady)
Leon B. Weinstein (New York City)

They join the following who were elected at last year’s Session:

Benjamin T. Garry (Albany)
David J. Karre (Binghamton)
Myron J. Deputat (Buffalo)
Michael A. Chaplin (New York City)
Ernest W. Parker (Norwood)
William F. Hassoldt (Rochester)
James E. Calkins (Rockville Centre)
Richard T. Schulz (Rockville Centre)
Stanley F. Craig (Schenectady)
James A. Nelson (Syracuse)
Harry A. Williams (The Hudson)
James A. Cobb (Troy)
Louis D. Denato (Utica)

The Actives Members of New York congratulate you all!

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