Deputy’s Award
The Illustrious Deputy for the State of New York, at his sole discretion, recognizes individuals for their dedicated service to Scottish Rite and the Council of Deliberation with the Deputy’s Award. The Deputy recognizes the efforts of a Brother who has contributed endless hours, and many years, of faithful service providing outstanding hospitality for our members and guests at the New York State Council of Deliberation annual sessions, and the Supreme Council annual meetings.
The III. Robert H. Jackson, 33° Award For Community Service
The New York State Council of Deliberation established the Ill. Robert H. Jackson, 33° Award for Community Service in 2004.
Ill. Brother Jackson was a member of the Valley of Jamestown who rose to national and international prominence. He is best known for his service on the United States Supreme Court and as Chief Prosecutor of the Nazi war criminals at the Nuremberg Trials following World War II. Following is the criteria for presenting this award:
- No more than one award will be presented in any one year.
- The presentation will be made at the Annual Convocation of this Council of Deliberation.
- Recipients must have performed outstanding service to society through community service. (An elected or appointed government official or employee must have performed outstanding Community service. Holding an elected or appointed position alone is not sufficient justification to be considered for the award).
- Recipient must be present at the Annual Convocation of the Council of Deliberation to receive the award.
- Although Masonic Membership will be recognized, it is not a qualification to receive the award.
- Nominees may be either male or female.
All New York State Valleys and members of the Council of Deliberation are encouraged to submit recommendations for this award. The recommendations and all supporting information are to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Council of Deliberation not later than March 1st of the year in which the award is to be presented. (All submissions received after March 1st will be returned to the Valley, no exceptions).
The Council of Deliberation’s Administrative Board will review the recommendations and announce the recipient at its Annual Convocation.
The III. And M. W. Edward G. Gilbert, 33° “Brother To Brother” Award
In honor of Ill. and M.W. Edward G. Gilbert, 33°, Honorary Member of Supreme Council, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction United States of America and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York, this award is presented to a Scottish Rite Brother who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to assist a Brother in sickness or distress; one who realizes that our duty transcends the simple writing of a check; one who understands and clearly demonstrates by his actions that:
“Words without deeds are meaningless and deeds reflect the true spirit of our Masonic Brotherhood.”
Nominations and recommendations for this award are accepted by the Active Membership.
John Homa, 32° Award For Distinguished Military Service For A New York Scottish Rite Mason
The Sublime Prince selected for this award must have completed exemplary military service on behalf of the United States of America and must be a current member of a New York Valley of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. The Active Members of Supreme Council for New York comprise the selection committee for this recognition.
Nominees from the Scottish Rite Valleys in New York State are to be submitted to the Active Member of Supreme Council in New York assigned to their Valley by June 1st of each year. There shall be not more than two awards presented annually.
To submit a nomination, please forward the personal biography of the nominee with specific emphasis upon his record of military service to the Active Member assigned to your valley.
The Administrative Board will be presenting this award every year at the Annual Convocation of the Council of Deliberation Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite New York.
Council Of Deliberation Outstanding Achievement Award
Presented to Sublime Princes who have completed their Scottish Rite 32º Passport by witnessing the twenty-nine Scottish Rite Degrees, and have submitted documentation of completion to Supreme Council though their Valley Secretary by March 31, 2022.
New York Council Of Deliberation Outstanding Achievement Award Positive Membership Growth
The “Positive Membership Growth” Award is presented to the Valleys that achieve Positive Membership Growth in their Valley.
To calculate:
Add number of new Lodge of Perfection 4th degree members created from
August 1 to July 31 + 000
Add number of members restored + 000
Deduct number of members suspended – 000
Deduct number of members discharged – 000
Deduct number of deaths reported – 000
Total +/- 000
If the total number is a positive number you have achieved positive growth in your Valley for the year.