New York Scottish Rite - The Fraternity of Choice


New York Brethren Elected to Receive 33° in 2025

At the Supreme Council Session recently held in Louisville, KY, the following Brethren were selected to receive the 33° in 2025 in Indianapolis, IN: Benjamin T. Garry (Albany) David J. Karre (Binghamton) Myron J. Deputat (Buffalo) Michael A. Chaplin (New York City)...

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Happy Independence Day!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness......

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New York Scottish Rite Upcoming Events

Excelsior Initiative Sessions coming soon. Watch News for more information.

Unified Calendar

Combined calendars of those Valleys in New York State